Welcome to the Digital Commons Policy Council website. The DCPC is an international think tank established in 2021. It aims to increase the recognition of the benefits of digital commons such as free and open source software and Wikipedia, and of the volunteer labour which produces these common goods. It does so by producing evidence-based public reports and other resources.

Best Practices Guide for Digital Commons – Government Relations
Governments, especially via their procurement processes, industrial policy and public service policy should be supporting and promoting the long-term sustainability and security of digital commons such as open source software. This will enable governments to pivot towards increased cost savings, support for ethical initiatives and technological sovereignty in the public sector. The publication of the Digital Commons Policy Council’s guide, Best Practices Guide for Digital Commons – Government Relations, is a significant step in achieving closer cooperation between governments and digital commons projects.
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DCPC Blog post
[en] Incorporating digital commons into government policies: An introduction to the Digital Commons Policy Council’s Best Practices guide, National Centre for Academic and Cultural Exchange