Title 2016 Debian Project survey: Work and volunteers
Released 16 DEC. 2021
Format A4, 45 pages.
O’Neil M, Zacchiroli S & de Blanc M (2021) 2016 Debian Project survey: Work and volunteers. DCPC/NMRC, University of Canberra, DOI:10.25916/zgcc-am08.
Debian is a free software distribution (a distribution is a software suite comprising an operating system and applications). Established following a community model in 1993, Debian aims to be a ‘universal’ system both in the sense of operating on as many architectures as possible and of featuring as many application packages as possible. Its robustness and strict adherence to the principles of free software have made it legendary. Debian is used by organisations, governments, and individuals all over the world, including much of the critical digital infrastructure that runs daily life. This survey, held in 2016, inaugurated our inquiry into the relationship between volunteer work in free and open source software and broader dimensions of work and employment. There was great interest for this survey within the Debian community, and 1,479 people responded.